Ayeyawady United signs midfielder Thaw Khant Oo for 2 years

23 December

Ayeyawady United have signed former Rakhine United midfielder Thaw Khant Oo on a two-year contract, according to a statement released yesterday by the football club.

Upon joining Ayeyawady United, Thaw Khant Oo said he was confident of the team securing a win in the upcoming season.

“I was born in Ayeyawady Region. I am feeling proud about joining my native land’s team, Ayeyawady United. I believe I will hold the championship trophy with my team in the upcoming season,” he said. Thaw Khant Oo was born in Maubin, Ayeyawady Region and started his professional football career with the U-18 team of Rakhine United in 2014.
During his stint with the team in the 2014 season, Rakhine United won the championship trophy.

Later, Thaw Khant Oo was selected on the senior team in 2017, and his contract with the team ended in 2019. He has now moved to Ayeyawady United.—Lynn Thit (Tgi)