Daily COVID-19 meeting proceeds with video conferencing

March 17, 2020

The daily executive-level coordination meeting on COVID-19 held meeting (35/2020) through video conferencing yesterday.

First, Union Minister for Health and Sports Dr Myint Htwe thanked all medical staff working hard against the virus. He said the risk of the virus spreading will decrease as the number of travellers from entering from infected regions goes down. He said it is important for everyone involved in the preventive measures to be systematically networked so that the donations made to combat COVID-19 are used effectively. He said they have formed an email group linking the executive, state and regional level officials in this endeavour.

The Union Minister said public health processes are going well and hospital work needs to be further promoted. He called for all attendees to weigh in on preparations and plans related to COVID-19, including practicing treating people infected with the virus and measures in place to contain its spread.

The meeting then commenced with attendees discussing the various preparatory plans, processes, directives and other aspects in combating the coronavirus. —MNA (Translated by Zaw Htet Oo)