Developing our agricultural sector will remedy long-term issues

An important requirement of the current times is the need for an increase in well-paid jobs. If the authorities can fulfil that requirement, then, the people of the country will be satisfied, and the future of the nation will be secured.

At present, Myanmar’s economy is not equipped to create enough jobs to support the nation’s growing population. While employment prospects are good in urban districts, jobs are getting scarcer in rural areas. Youths in rural areas are mainly affected, as they have to either take up whatever work can be found or, leave their hometown to look for work in the cities or, abroad. While this is a good opportunity for them to find better work, it will severely drain our country’s human resources in the long-run, if left unattended.

Myanmar is an agricultural country with 70 per cent of its land used for farming. Farming needs to be sustainable and effective in the rural areas so that local residents can lead fulfilling lives. It will also elevate the agricultural sector’s contribution to the nation’s economic development. Currently, there is a shortage of workers in agriculture due to few opportunities for development.

To remedy this, the Union Government drew up the Myanmar Sustainable Development Programme and began systematically implementing it in all sectors of the country last year, hoping to accomplish its intended purpose in 12 years, to meet the 2018-2030 deadline. The MSDP’s third pillar — People and Planet — is concerned with food production, including rice and agriculture products.

This MSDP pillar will create much needed job opportunities, fulfil the nation’s food demands, and contribute to global food resources, if we all work together to ensure its success. This will also solve the shortage of agricultural workers affecting the country.

We must be serious in executing the third pillar because our population will continue to grow and that means there will be increasing demands on our food supply along with an increasing search for employment. We must strive to ensure our youths, especially those from rural areas, are included in building and developing our nation. We must open the way for our youths to incorporate modern ideas and innovation in their vocational and formal education.

We urge everyone to participate in implementing the MSDP as it is a solution to the present issues concerning our nation, and to prevent foreseeable future issues from arising. Our agricultural sector is the pride and backbone of our nation, and we must all contribute towards its development and sustainability.