Duties of Citizens

19 OCTOBER 2019

ARTICLE 390 of the Constitution of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar 2008 says:

Every citizen has the duty to assist the Union in carrying out the following matters

(a) Preservation and safeguarding of cultural heritage;

(b) Environmental conservation;

(c) Striving for development of human resources;

(d) Protection and preservation of public property.

These are quite specific duties that encompass the preservation and advancement of the Union. All citizens, regardless of race, religion,gender, ethnicity, or station in life have an obligation to assist the Government in ways they can, for the successful implementation of the matters mentioned in Article 390. It can, therefore, be presumed that citizens can give their suggestions regarding the matters if they are of the opinion that such suggestions could enhance their successful implementation. That is a feature of democratic governance which takes into account the participation of the citizens in moving towards the goal of establishment and perpetuation of the Democratic Nation which is the dream of the people.

Given however that in the performance of the above-mentioned duties as well as suggesting improvements for more successful outcomes the citizens have to abide by the laws enacted by the Hluttaw and the Rules and Orders issued under the respective laws.

Regarding the executive powers of the Union Government Article 224 of the Constitution states that the Ministries of the Union Government shall, in carrying out the functions of their sub-ordinate governmental departments and organizations, manage, guide, supervise and inspect in accord with the provisions of the Constitutions and the existing laws.

The governmental departments and organizations are to perform their functions in accordance with the Laws, Rules. Directions, Orders and Procedures. This is to ensure consistency in their operations regardless of which Government is in power.

Of course the Governmental departments and organizations, under the supervision of the Ministries concerned, have to draw up their Plans of Action for the systematic performance of their functions.These plans have to be approved by the Ministry concerned and subsequently by the Union Government and when, major policy issues are involved, by the Hluttaw.

In drawing up and implementing the plans of action, they may have to consult local and foreign agencies and experts to ensure the plans are sound and can be practically implemented. This is the stage when, public opinion may be solicited, as all the citizens are in fact the “stakeholders” and/or the “beneficiaries” of the above matters.The suggestions of the public or individual citizens should be given due consideration, as probably they may be based on experience and common sense with an outlook for change, which the incumbents in the departments and organizations usually might be reluctant to make if it is left entirely to them.

As regards suggestions by citizens; they should be judged on their merit, and not rejected out of hand just because the suggestion giver is not an expert or is an “outsider” of no standing. With charity to all and malice to none.