Ensuring no spread of infection during electoral campaigning

7 Sep

As the coming general elections will be held amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, the electoral processes need to be in consistent with the health guidelines. With the November-8 general elections drawing near, the Ministry of Health and Sports has released new rules on election campaigning during COVID-19 pandemic, allowing not-more-than 50 people per group for a campaign talks.

Meanwhile, other electoral activities must take place in consistent with COVID-19 health guidelines, with candidates and the people in masks, minimizing physical contact with at least six-feet social distancing.

There are differences between the 2015 and 2020 general elections.

Unusual arrangements would be made in coming general elections, with special plastic-tented polling stations set up for voters in quarantine, hand washing facilities, voters in line with social distancing, polling stations with enough space for social distancing and good ventilation.

Besides, officials are urged to consider a long list of potential problems during the electoral processes including election day to guarantee the voters with safety from coronavirus infection.

At the same time, the election officials and the members of the public are urged to continue to monitor the developing situation closely and follow the guidance of local health authorities.

Avoiding big gatherings is a mandatory to slow the spread of coronavirus during the election campaigns because our country is facing a rapidly moving pandemic, and any death, any case, is tragic.

We all have a responsibility to do everything we can to prevent the spread of the virus.

The country’s people are urged to follow the guidance of Ministry of Health and Sports, including wearing a face mask in circumstances where social distancing is not possible, washing hands frequently and avoiding crowds to ensure that we can stop this rising number of positive cases.

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, all parties are planning for the November-8 general elections and candidates will likely be going in to electoral campaigning differently to normal.

We are confident that all political parties and individuals are committed to not breaching the COVID-19 rules because we all want to ensure that the public can feel safe and confident when the opportunity arises for them to cast their vote.