Integrating Loving-Kindness into the Union

7 February


“In a country like ours that needs to establish unity from diversity, we need to nurture understanding and mutual respect for one another. It is acceptable to love your own people, but it will be a grave mistake to be intolerant of others because of this reason. Metta (loving-kindness) needs to be nurtured with Metta. It cannot be fostered with anger. Metta conquers anger, but anger cannot trump Metta.”


State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi gave this explanation on nurturing Metta to local residents of Tachilek and Mongyawng townships during her travelling to Shan State (East) a few days ago. She said nurturing loving-kindness between ethnic nationals is important, since it is the path to success, while anger leads to destitution, as portrayed in numerous religions.


Anger can only be extinguished with Metta and Metta can only be nurtured with Metta. Metta is the instrument leading to success, while those who grasp onto anger will accomplish nothing and end in failure. The Metta referred to by the State Counsellor is one that is critically needed among our ethnic nationals of today.


One of the important elements the ethnic nationals living in our Union require are the basic survival needs. This requirement can be seen in all regions, and to fulfill that we first need to implement the rule of law and peace, with due haste.


Only when the rule of law is properly enforced will there be peace, which will lead to regional development and, as a result, will fulfill the basic needs of the people and allow them to live in tranquility.


To implement this into our Union, which is composed of a diverse set of ethnic races, we need to first establish unity which, in turn, requires reciprocated understanding. We can establish understanding between us if we cast away discrimination and nurture Metta on each and every person in the country. We again reiterate that the way to fulfill the requirements of our ethnic nationals is to establish the rule of law and peace, which will lead to development. We can see that the Union Government is working hard, in that regard, and we need the cooperation of the people, as well.


It has been at least 70 years since we have been distanced from Union peace, and to establish the democratic federal Union we all desire we must foster understanding, respect, and unity among us, while welcoming loving-kindness into our hearts.