Our New Year resolution should be total peace

Today is the first day of the year 2020. We just said goodbye to the old year and welcomed the new year.

We encountered good and bad conditions in the past year from which we must learn or take lessons.

If we look at the past year, our country faced challenges, including armed conflicts, stalled peace dialogues, and accusations against our nation in the International Court of Justice.
At the same time, we achieved success in many sectors and improved the socio-economic life of the people.

In the new year, the general elections, which are a part of our democratic transition, will be held.

We must continue our efforts towards ending armed conflicts and bringing peace to the country to build a federal democratic Union.

In the new year, we must strive with energy and zeal for internal peace, which is an important factor for the establishment of the Democratic Federal Union, which is the aspiration and hope of all ethnic national brothers and sisters; development of the socio-economic status of the people; and, rule of law.

Our country is a Union with diverse ethnicities and religions. Hence, only through a unified march for peace can we develop our country because there is “strength in unity”.
Since the time we gained independence, we have lost much energy due to armed conflicts.

Because there was no peace, there was no stability, and we lagged in many areas of development.

As a result, our country became one of the least developed countries. The universe, which is changing every second, and today’s world will not wait for our country.

On the new year day, we should ask ourselves: are we going to leave behind the same country with armed conflicts for the new generation, or are we going to leave behind a unified and strong country that is worthy of others’ respect?

The year 2020 is a valuable period that should not be squandered.
Only a regime cannot make a country a success. It cannot bring about national development alone.

Only with the participation of the people can these things be achieved.

We wish to remind all of the people and ethnic armed groups and organizations not to waste this opportunity. Do not be timid to take a step forward. What we have to fear is the fear that lingers in our minds.

Our new year resolution should be “total peace” in 2020, for the people who have yearned and longed for peace for many years. Although their dreams have dimmed, their desires and hopes are still as bright as ever.

Let us step forward bravely together with them.