Profit out of loss — unity is for the fight against COVID

RECENTLY, an added tally or a record high in the coronavirus-confirmed cases in Myanmar has indicated that we all need to tightly roll up our sleeves in bravely and collaboratively combatting what is now called the pandemic second wave. Sadly, everyone has to endure seeing losses almost everywhere across the globe hardly battered by the deadly pathogen.

Governments around the world have firmly determined to tackle this global health issue since it emerged late last year. World nations have also imposed and enforced stringent restrictions upon their people in the hope of slowing down the pandemic spread in their respective regions as well as for saving their lives.

The World Health Organization has taken the leading role to instruct the people all over the world to follow an easy-to-understand set of rules that everyone has got accustomed to in this coronavirus era. We are now used to these simple guidelines in our daily routine: washing our hands for 20 seconds frequently, putting on face-coverings whenever we go out or in public places, distancing socially or physically with one another, no crowded gatherings any more during the pandemic, etc.

Myanmar Government has been sparing no effort, since early months of the year, to carry out the preventative and control measures to contain the infection spread all inclusive of the entire country and people based on the ‘No one left behind’ and ‘whole of the nation’ principles. Here, we would like to quote the State Counsellor saying: “No matter where an outbreak occurred, it concerned the whole Union. If there is a pain in any part of the country, it is a pin for the entire Union. That is the spirit in approaching COVID-related activities. There is no discrimination with regards to place”.

People participation is more and more of vital importance in the countermeasures against this global infectious disease over these days when we’re reading news stories of soaring cases not only in Myanmar but also in our neighbouring Asian countries as well. Regional governments should be cooperative in curbing the pandemic danger. Likewise, people should be more and more cohesive in such a time of importance to protect others while protecting oneself from the virus infection.

As we all are aware, no doubt this lethal pathogen impacts global people socially, politically, and economically as well as in many and varied different ways of people’s daily routines. People suffer losses. However, we can gain profit at least out of our significant losses if and when we shall be more united and cohesive than ever in fighting back the new coronavirus pandemic out of our earth.