Reducing healthcare burden with national healthcare insurance system

Myanmar aspires to achieve, as part of its vision 2030, a healthier and productive population by implementing the Universal Health Coverage. However, for the aspiration to be fulfilled, there is much work that needs to be done, both in terms of Health System Strengthening (HSS) and in changing peoples’ behaviors, such as regularly exercising, including walking.


The Union government is committed to achieving the goals of the Universal Health Coverage to a certain extent by 2030 by implementing three five-year plans.


Achieving that goal requires strong leadership and commitment of the Union government and all stake holders, support from partners, and the dedication and commitment of healthcare workers and communities in our country.


The review of the Myanmar National Health Plan (2017-2021) which is being implemented to provide a basic essential package of healthcare services to everyone at a low cost in any area by the 2020-2021 financial year has shown that our country has not yet achieved the goal due to challenges and obstacles. However, assessment and reviews are showing that the plan is on the right track to the goal.


The Ministry of Health and Sports has consistently focused on addressing NCDs. Non-communicable diseases have been recognized as a public health priority in the National Health Plan (2017-2021).


The Package of Essential NCD interventions (PEN) has been implemented nationwide, including screenings for Hypertension, Diabetes, CVD and treatment of uncomplicated cases, along with the early detection and referral of oral, breast and cervical cancers by BHS, which mainly target people living in rural areas.


Meanwhile, our people need to live a healthy lifestyle and do physical exercises by changing their behaviours and to practice the habits and behaviours for prevention of non-communicable diseases.


It is found that out of pocket expenditure on health during period 2016 – 2018 is about 76 per cent, which is putting a burden on the people and leading a misunderstanding among the people. To reduce that burden, we need to establish the National Health Insurance system which guarantees financial protection for the people.


The situation demands a national health insurance system to reduce the burden on the country and the people.


It is worth noting that the Ministry of Health and Sports is working on drafting a national health insurance bill.


We are confident that a national health insurance system would relieve the healthcare burden on the people and provide them with access to affordable essential medicines and vaccines for NCDs.