Middle school (branch) upgraded to secondary one in Thandaunggyi

A ceremony to inaugurate a basic education middle school (branch) into a basic education middle school took place in Thahtaygon Village, Thandaunggyi Township in Kayin State yesterday.
School enrollment activity held in Pobbathiri Tsp.
The School Enrollment Activity was held at No-3 Basic Education High School in Pobbathiri Township, Ottarathiri District, Nay Pyi Taw this morning.
School Enrolment Day ceremony (2019-2020) held in Nay Pyi Taw
THE Union Territory, Nay Pyi Taw held a School Enrolment Day ceremony for 2019-2020 academic year at B.E.H.S. 5 in Zabuthiri Township yesterday morning.
English proficiency course concludes in Namtu
A ceremony to wrap up a Basic English grammar, essay and letter writing course, organized by the Township IPRD under the Ministry of Information, was held at the community center of Namtu IPRD in Kyaukme District, Shan State (North) yesterday.
Basic computer course concludes in Paingkyon
A ceremony to conclude a basic computer course, organized by A Hnaing Met Computer Centre, was held this morning at Myoma Sasana Monastery in the Town of Paingkyon, Hlaingbwe Township, Kayin State.
India’s prestigious university awards honorary doctorate on IBEC Sayadaw
The founder of the International Buddhist Education Center (IBEC) in Sagaing City and the Stockholm World Peace Prize 2018 winner U Sobita has been awarded honorary doctorate by the United Nations-established prestigious university in India.
TIDE opens 3rd Residential School in Yangon University
Yangon University held a ceremony for the opening of the 3rd Residential School by TIDE (Transformation by Innovation in Distance Education) at its Scientific Research Building yesterday morning.