Union Minister reviews development works in Putao

14 January


The Union Minister for Border Affairs, Lt-Gen Ye Aung, visited the women’s vocational training school in Putao, Kachin State, on 12 January.

The Union Minister looked into the requirements of the advance tailoring course, basic tailoring course, woollen-sweater-knitting course, hostels, and the messing hall at the school.

During the inspection of the border area ethnic youth development training school, he heard a report on academic matters and staff social welfare presented by an official.
After offering his advice, the Union Minister stressed the need to teach trainees the value of discipline, time, systematic management, sociability, health, and reading. He then visited the hostels and the messing hall.

Afterwards, the Union Minister inspected the construction of three new hostels to accommodate more youth from remote border areas.

He then inspected the completed part of the 22-mile earth road connecting Putao and the snow-capped Phonkanrazi mountain. Yesterday morning, the Union Minister looked into the requirements for paving the Putao-Namhtonkhu gravel road and village-to-village earth roads in Putao Township.


The Ministry of Border Affairs in its projects to develop infrastructure and human resources in border areas is also adopting and implementing sustainable development programs in Kachin State. — MNA
(Translatey by TMT)