VP U Henry Van Thio inspects development projects in Haka

27 Oct

Vice President U Henry Van Thio yesterday inspected upgrading of Wanthu Maung Stadium, as well as constructions of buildings in the High Court of Chin State, Government Technical Institute (Haka), Education College (Haka), and Haka University in Haka, Chin State.

The Vice President, accompanied by Chin State Hluttaw Speaker U Zo Bawi, Chief Justice of Chin State U Win Myint Kyaw, regional ministers and other officials, yesterday morning inspected upgrading works of the Wanthu Maung Stadium in Haka. 

The Department of Sports and Physical Education Director U Than Aung explained the upgrading project. The Vice President told the officials to build hostels for athletes in the premises of the stadium. The Vice President also inspected the construction works for the High Court of Chin State, where the Chief Justice of Chin State and other officials explained the construction project. The High Court building will be a three-storey building, and the project is worth K6.393 billion.

The Vice President also visited the Government Technical Institute (Haka). Principal Dr Salai Talun Za Htang explained the school and the construction project. Then, the Vice President visited the Education Degree College (Haka) where the principal Daw Mi Nyo Nyo Shein explained the construction works for the buildings in the premises of the college.

The Vice President visited a site on Khosiloso Mountain where a garden will be built. He urged the officials to repair the roads on the mountain for the safety of the visitors. When the Vice President arrived at Haka University, he inspected the construction of the convocation hall of the university. The Pro-Rector of Haka University explained the construction project, worth K9.331 billion. The construction project will be completed by December.

The Vice President also inspected the land on which more library buildings of the Haka University will be built. The construction works for Haka University Chapel were also inspected by the Vice President, who made a donation for the project.

MNA (Translated by Maung Maung Swe)