Water supply projects conducted in Kyaukse Tsp.

Kyaukse 20 December

Water supply projects are being undertaken in Pya and Theebin villages in Kyaukse Township, Mandalay Region in 2020-2021 FY. Now, the projects have been completed, according to the Township Department of Rural Development. 

In Pya village, construction of a water tanker capable of storing 2000 gallons of water, a reservoir capable of storing 1000 gallons of water and a water plant, installation of water pipeline and related works were conducted with K 8.22 million allocated by funds of the Department of Rural Development. In Theebin village, the installation of water pipeline was undertaken with K 4.75 million. The projects were conducted in November and now it has been completed. Therefore, a total of 845 people from 206 households will be available purified drinking water in all seasons. 

Township Administrator U Kyaw Lwin and officials from Township Development Committee and Department of Rural Development and members of village water supply committee inspected the completion of the water supply projects.

Nyein Thu