Yangon United beat Sagaing United 6-3 in friendly match

YANGON United made a decisive 6-3 win over Sagaing United in a friendly match yesterday at the Yangon United Sports complex in Yangon. The winning goals for Yangon United were scored by Maung Maung Lwin, Emmanuel, Barfo, and Than Paing. Goals for Sagaing United were scored by Simmuel, Myo Min Phyo, and Thiha Zaw. Simmuel landed the first goal for Sagaing United in the early minutes of the match. However, Yangon’s Maung Maung Lwin scored the equalizer at 16 minutes.


Three minutes later, Yangon’s Emmanuel netted the second goal for Yangon over an assist from team mate Aung Kyaw Naing. The third goal for Yangon was scored at 22 minutes by Emmanuel over an assist from Aee Soe. At 28 minutes, Yangon was awarded a penalty and Barfo scored the fourth goal with a penalty kick. The first half ended 4-1 win in favor of Yangon United. The fifth goal for Yangon United was scored at 47 minutes by Barfo.


But, Myo Min Phyo from Sagaing United scored the second goal for the team and Thiha Zaw netted the third goal soon after. However, Yangon’s Than Paing secured a big win for his team with his goal at 74 minutes, and the match ended with Yangon leading by three goals.—Lynn Thit (Tgi)