Yangon Zoo celebrates 67th birthday of Elephant Mo Mo

26 Oct

Yangon Zoo, the first zoo in Myanmar, yesterday celebrated people’s favourite elephant Mo Mo’s 67th birthday party with the Zoo’s staff members in line with Ministry of Health and Sports’ instructions. The Zoo threw her birthday every year with the community since 2010 but this year’s birthday party was celebrated by only Yangon Zoo’s employees and couldn’t carry out the big plan due to COVID – 19 outbreaks.

Mo Mo’s birthday was celebrated successfully by cutting cake, blowing the candles, enjoying her favorite vegetables and fruits together with her elephant-friends and the wishes from Yangon Zoo’s representatives. Mo Mo is now 67 years old which makes her in a list to become one of the oldest Asian elephants in the world. Mo Mo’s arrival to Yangon Zoo is at her age 7 years old and she has long been a Yangon’s favorite elephant. She entertained to the visitors with her special talent and offered her effort in government affairs in all her lifelong.

She retired from entertaining people at her age 60 and she is currently spending her life peacefully in Yangon Zoo by leading the role of protecting and caring her junior elephants, Yangon Zoo started celebrating her birthday party since she was 60 years old and this year is her 8th celebration.

Mo Mo was originally from Loikaw, Kayah State. U Khun Sanda, her first owner, found her in 1961 going alone in the jungle without her guardians when she was a kid so he took her home because going alone at her age was very dangerous. Mo Mo was donated to Yangon Zoo by her owner in 1961 and the name, Mo Mo, was given by her mahout after the donation to Yangon Zoo.

Daw Kyi Phyu Zaw, CEO of Htoo Zoos and Gardens Business Unit, said “We celebrated Mo Mo’s birthday party every year since 2010 by drawing a crowd but we are celebrating only with the members of Yangon Zoo this year because of current conditions but we conducted cutting cake, fruit buffets and giving wishes for her like we used to do every year.

She is now 67 years old and this year is her 8th birthday celebration and it is lucky for her that she is healthy at her age. Mo Mo is significant elephant among the city residents because of her amazing talents of entertaining them. Although she retired her performance to the public since she was 60 years old, her name is still in everyone’s lips. We wish her to get a good health and to live long life with us”, she added.

Currently, Mo Mo is undertaken the required daily and monthly health assessments. Moreover, Yangon Zoo provides her the meals and daily supplements to be healthy. Due to the COVID – 19 outbreaks, the community couldn’t join her birthday party this year, therefore, Yangon Zoo streamed a broadcast of her celebration on their Facebook page.

GNLM (Translated by Kyaw Zin Lin)