Stray thoughts on the 71st Anniversary of Independence Day

We celebrate the 71st Anniversary of Myanmar’s Independence today 4th January 2019 across the country. As a historian by profession as well as an ordinary citizen, the writer is afloat on the waves of stray thoughts.
The Poem “Thabye Nyo” Inaugurating the Independence of Myanmar
After obtaining B.A degree in 1933, Sayagyi Min Thu Wun entered service as a part time tutor at the Department of Oriental Studies of Rangoon University.
The Architect of Sovereignty, and Myanmar’s First Independence Day
Despite my desire in submitting all the documentary photos to the public, they were damaged due to many reasons. You may use the available photos, and that I will explain the events in detailed.
The Architect of Sovereignty, and Myanmar’s First Independence Day
He was born in this country to liberate the nation.
Independence and Eternal Peace

1 January


Historical Gway Chaung fort: Myanmar’s model of reflective patriotism

By Uncle Pyinnya