11 more COVID-19 cases cured in Vietnam

As many as 11 more patients in Vietnam have recovered from COVID-19, bringing the total cured patients in the country to 232, according to its Ministry of Health on Tuesday.


The cured cases, all treated at the National Hospital for Tropical Diseases in the capital of Hanoi, include an 88-year-old female who was in a critical condition and two patients who had tested positive again after the previous recovery, Vietnam News Agency reported Tuesday.


All the 11 patients will be quarantined for another 14 days after being discharged from hospital, the news agency reported.


As of Tuesday morning, Vietnam has confirmed 271 cases of COVID-19 infection with zero deaths, while there are 131 suspected cases with over 25,600 being quarantined at home, health facilities and concentrated quarantine sites, according to the health ministry.

