146 Myanmar nationals repatriated from Middle East in 3 years

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs reports that 146 distressed My­anmar citizens have been re­patriated from Middle Eastern nations between 2021 and 2024.


The Myanmar Embassy in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, revealed its collaborative efforts with lo­cal authorities and employment agencies to rescue Myanmar nationals facing difficulties in the Middle East from 17th No­vember 2021 to 12th May 2024.


Recent cases include Ma Thein Shwe and Ma Ohnmar Myint, who experienced hard­ships while working in Saudi Arabia. With assistance from the Myanmar embassy and Saudi Arabian officials, they have safely returned home.


The embassy urges Myan­mar migrant workers to abide by the laws and respect the cul­tures, traditions, and customs of their host countries. — ASH/ NT