Accurate data: The backbone of sound policies

In the realm of thriving businesses, the significance of ac­curate data and statistics cannot be overstated. A business can only thrive when it possesses precise records of export and import activities, trade metrics, income, and expenses. Success in operations hinges on this data. Furthermore, the formulation of national development policies and strategic planning depends heavily on the bedrock of accurate data and statistics.


For policies to be effective, it is imperative that the data and accounts provided by relevant ministries, regions, and states closely align with the real-world situation. It is only through this alignment that we can gain a clear understanding of the state of affairs. Subsequently, the government can make informed decisions and craft policies that are tailored to specific projects. Policies that lack a solid foundation in accurate statistics and data are des­tined to result in wastage and losses for the projects they govern. Every project should rely on precise on-the-ground information, supported by ro­bust data and evidence.


The Central Committee for Data Accuracy and Qual­ity of Statistics (CCDAQS), formed in 2016, has been revitalized with the mission of establishing a national statistical system capable of promptly delivering sta­tistics and data to the public. This initiative aims to ensure the correct and effective im­plementation of projects and policies. Achieving statistical accuracy requires a collab­orative effort from relevant ministries, regional and state authorities, and stakeholders.


It is imperative that departmental personnel and company staff undergo training to enhance their capacity to compile ac­curate statistics. This ensures that the data collected becomes a reliable tool for project implementation. Consequently, the government can rely on this data and statistics when assessing the nation’s progress, including metrics like gross domestic product, per-capita income, and other economic indicators that annually reflect the country’s development status.


Union ministries, the Nay Pyi Taw Council, regional and state governments, and national-level organizations must come together to guarantee the accuracy of statistics that reflect the ground reality. These statistics should be compiled in real time. In this context, these organizations must strengthen their collaborative mechanisms for statistics to craft sound policies that drive state development.


Therefore, it is incumbent upon all personnel from relevant departments, organizations, and private firms to dutifully fulfil their roles in compiling statistics based on accurate data and evidence. This collective effort is vital for the betterment of the entire nation.