Agriculture, Livestock training course opens in Pantanaw

Pantanaw, 16 December

With the aim of boosting the income of local people and their socio-economic status, Department of Rural Development under Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation organized agriculture and livestock training course in Seitamu Village in Pantanaw Township, Ayeyarwady Region yesterday.

At the event, the Pyithu Hluttaw Representative U Man Nyunt Thein delivered an opening speech and an official from the District DRD clarified the purpose of the course. Then, an official from the township DRD urged the trainees to practically apply the lessons learned in the training course to generate more income in their families after finishing the training course.

The ten-day training course is being attended by 30 trainees from Seitamu Village, Thayawtha Village, Mathaman Village and Tinkokkyi Village in the township.

Pyae Phyo Kyaw(Pantanaw)
Translated by JT