Amyotha Hluttaw: Yangon Region registers 188 petrol stations, 785,000 vehicles

February 21, 2020

The 15th regular session of Amyotha Hluttaw held its 9th day meeting yesterday, and the questions of MPs were answered by the Deputy Ministers from the Ministry of Electricity and Energy, the Ministry of Planning, Finance and Industry, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation and the Ministry of Health and Sports.

MP U Soe Thein from Kayah State constituency 9 asked about the number of petrol filling stations in Yangon, licensing policy for the stations and regulations for safety measures against natural disasters.

Deputy Minister for Electricity and Energy Dr Tun Naing replied that there are 139 filling stations in Yangon municipal area and 49 stations outside the area, totaling 188 in the Yangon Region. Meanwhile, in addition to other vehicles arrived from other regions, there are also 785,000 registered vehicles according to the released data of Yangon Region Road Transport Administration Department in November 2019.

The figures have shown that each station needs to fill 4,200 vehicles in average each day, and more stations are required in Yangon Region.

The Deputy Minister also said the Yangon Region government is issuing licenses for the stations in accordance with the laws, regulations and directives of the Ministry of Electricity and Energy, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation and the Fire Services Department.

Regarding the safety measures, the filling stations were directed to keep the fuels in the underground tanks and to follow the instructions of the Ministry of Electricity and Energy, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation and the Fire Services Department.

MP U Hla Myint (a) U Hla Myint Than from Mon State constituency 11 asked about possible use of former Sittoung Paper Factory building and its land for any industrial complex or an industrial zone.

Deputy Minister for Planning, Finance and Industry Dr Ye Min Paing Hein replied the land of former factory in Theinzayat Town of Kyaikto Township in Mon State will be used for an industrial complex.

MP U Hla Oo from Sagaing Region constituency 4 asked about forming a facilitation body for farmers in purchasing agricultural machines as they had some difficulties in dealing with private companies, and manufacturing such machines in the country.

Deputy Minister Dr Ye Min Paing Hein replied that plans are underway to manufacture agricultural machines and equipment in joint venture businesses between the government and the private sector. He added a supervising and inspecting team is scrutinizing agricultural machines for the farmers and solving difficulties of farmers.

MP U Kyaw Toke from Mandalay Region constituency 7 asked about the government’s measures on reduction of impacts from climate change.

Deputy Minister Dr Ye Myint Swe explained the policies, strategies and projects for reduction of the impacts as a member of international conventions, in coordination with ASEAN member countries and international aid programme.

MP Dr Khun Win Thaung from Kachin State constituency 11 asked about allocations of budgets for the projects of Sports and Physical Education Department in Momauk Township of Bhamo district in his constituency.

Deputy Minister for Health and Sports Dr Mya Lay Sein replied that the budgets have been applied to allocate Kachin State government in 2020-2021 FY, while the ministry has handed over K 9.47 million to the Sports and Physical Education Department of Kachin State in 2019-2020 FY. MP Daw Nwe Nwe Aung from Mon State constituency 2 asked about legal actions against a mining company in Peinegone village-tract in Kyaikmaraw township , Mon State, as its business license has expired on 31 January 2019, and the absence of mine reclamation in accordance with laws; MP U Win Aung from Sagaing Region constituency 3 asked about issuing land permits to the farmers whose lands were confiscated for Thaphanseik dam project in 1995 and 1996. The questions were answered by Deputy Minister Dr Ye Myint Swe.

MP Dr Zaw Lin Htut from Mon State constituency 9 asked about the ongoing status of drafting Myanmar National Sports Law, and it was answered by the Deputy Minister Dr Mya Lay Sein.

MP U Soe Thein (a) U Maung Soe from Taninthayi Region constituency 10 discussed the bill for using Red Cross Emblem.

Amyotha Hluttaw Speaker Mahn Win Khaing Than informed the Hluttaw about receiving the bylaws of Tax Appellate Tribunal Law (TATL) sent back by the Pyithu Hluttaw with approved recommendations.

He also called for submitting the names of Hluttaw representatives who want to discuss it mentioning with specific paragraphs.

The 10th day meeting of Amyotha Hluttaw will be held on 24 February.—Aung Ye Thwin and Soe Win Tun (Translated by Aung Khin)