Attention to assigned staff: Stay away from bribes

A Crucial directive has been issued to the chairpersons of regional and state illegal trade eradication special task forces and officials: unequivocally distance yourselves from any involvement in the illegal trade process. The primary responsi­bility is supervising and ensuring that assigned staff abstain from participating in illicit trade activities and refrain from accepting bribes. Those who are found complicit in illegal trade will face legal consequences without exception.


The government is actively working to prevent illegal trade practices in order to safeguard the interests of manufacturers and exporters, aligning with a commitment to protectionism. This mandate extends not only to businesspersons but also to relevant departmental personnel, who must fully comprehend the objectives set forth by the Illegal Trade Eradication Steering Committee.


In the pursuit of eradicating illegal trade, departmental per­sonnel stationed at relevant checkpoints and tollgates must demonstrate unwa­vering loyalty to the State in performing their duties. Addi­tionally, they are expected to maintain cordial relationships with the public and business community. Collaboration be­tween assigned personnel and citizens is imperative, as elim­inating illegal trade is deemed a national duty.


During a recent steer­ing committee meeting, the chairman highlighted instanc­es where assigned personnel allowed the passage of trucks carrying loads in exchange for bribes, overlooking the pres­ence of illegal and smuggled commodities. Some personnel even falsely reported the sei­zure of lower-value smuggled goods while intentionally ne­glecting higher-value items. Various unscrupulous prac­tices were identified, neces­sitating stringent supervision at all levels to combat illegal trade effectively.


Assigned personnel must also exhibit politeness in their inter­actions with businesspersons and the public when inspecting cargo trucks and providing necessary assistance. Unpleasant interactions may not only inconvenience businesspersons but could also impede the overall trade process. The government’s endeavours may be misunderstood if officials fail to execute their duties precisely.


Now is a pivotal moment for all to contribute towards building a modern and developed nation. Every individual must refrain from actions that compromise the interests of the State and its people, ensuring that the trajectory towards a democratic and federal Union remains unaltered. Only through collective efforts towards the common goal of a peaceful and developed nation can Myanmar achieve prosperity across its entire society.


By taking salaries provided by the State fund, which are supplied by the people’s revenues, staff members from various departments have to be free from bribes in serving the people in work procedures. If so, they will have a reflection from the people for their lives.