Bangladesh has offered to import Myanmar’s sugar under the government-to-gov­ernment (G2G), govern­ment-to-business (G2B) and business-to-business (B2B) activities, according to Myan­mar Sugar and Cane Related Products Association (MSCA).


Bangladesh made an im­port proposal through the Bangladesh mission based in Yangon Region. The Bangla­desh mission and the MSCA negotiated sugar imports and they reached the G2G, G2B and B2B agreements.


“Our association is ready to export Myanmar’s sugar to Bangladesh as we have ade­quate stocks in hand this FY. We have also discussed modes of transport. There is a plan to sign a Memorandum of Un­derstanding with the Trading Corporation of Bangladesh (TCB). When they send a pro­posal letter officially through a diplomatic channel, we will proceed to negotiation which leads to an agreement. Bangla­desh planned to buy 200 tonnes of onions from Myanmar in the current financial year as well. Moreover, they also proposed to buy Myanmar’s rice again on account of good quality,” said MSCA vice-chair U Win Htay.


Myanmar ships sugar to Viet Nam and the Philippines through maritime trade an­nually beyond self-sufficiency. Moreover, the country con­veyed sugar to China via the border as well. —ASH/EM