Building a Better Society

25 February


We are all different in terms of the way we think, our attitudes, and our faith, depending on our family background, the society we grew up in, and our educational qualifications. The same applies to our decisions and actions.


This being the case, learning to live in harmony in this diverse world which is full of uncertainty is of utmost importance. Our ancestors laid good foundations for us, and we have enjoyed the fruitful results derived from their actions. Now, in our time, we must cement these foundations and lay down fresh ones, as far as we can, for future generations. By doing so, we, and the whole society, will have a chance to enjoy prosperity. Prosperity implies not just material progress, but a morally safe environment.


It is plain to see that moral safety is essential for all human beings. Generally speaking, prosperity and safety is desired by all people. But, regrettably, we have witnessed some cases of violence, which can only harm the prosperity of the society.


Killing someone brutally and brazenly, under the influence of anger, after a failed negotiation, or lynching someone using lethal weapons because of a difference in views shows a lack of humanity in the society and the dire need for rule of law.


Responding with hatred, rudeness, or a derogatory attitude after hearing a dictum or reading a passage which is not in conformity with one’s own views is not the way of a genteel society, and reflects a lack of tolerance and benevolence.


It is mortifying for us to read and hear about foreigners, who know Myanmar people to be kind and hospitable, expressing their shock and amazement over reports of such brutal acts, and criticizing them.


A society with peace and stability, which is desired by all Myanmar people, can only be built by practicing humanity and loving kindness, and upholding rule of law.


Our moral compass defines how well we treat others with loving kindness or work to bring prosperity to the nation. At the same time, upholding the rule of law is not just the responsibility of lawmen, including officials. It is the duty of all citizens who cherish their motherland — Myanmar. We must cultivate good morals by upholding the rule of law.