THE Chinese artichoke, a sea­sonal vegetable produced from Heho, has been sold well. It is the harvesting season of Chi­nese artichokes after the lima bean season and the trade has increased despite its high price, with nationwide orders, accord­ing to beans traders from Aung­ban Township.


“The Chinese artichoke sea­son has started now, after lima bean season. Some cook it with lima bean, some make it pickled and some use it in fried vermi­celli or noodle. It is a root veg­etable and dug from the earth. The price has been high as it is the beginning of the season but the trade has increased too. It is mainly grown in Heho. Orders have been placed nationwide in­ cluding Yangon,” said an owner of beans trading in Aungban Township.


Chinese artichoke is a root vegetable and can be eaten fried, pickled, cooked or steamed. It is delicious either cooked or raw and it tastes like water chestnut if it is eaten raw in salad and can be used like potato if it is steamed, sauté, soup or steamed recipes. — Thit Taw/ZS