Cultivate five essential capacities for youths

Today’s youth bear a profound responsibility not only to their families but also to the future of their nation. Their ability to serve effectively in these roles hinges on their cultivation of high moral and qualified character traits. To achieve this, it is imperative that we train our youth to be well-rounded individuals who possess five essential capacities: physical, mental, moral, fraternal, and economic.


The government recognizes the pivotal role of youth in na­tion-building and places great emphasis on creating opportunities for them to develop these capacities. A developed nation requires its youth to be not only physically fit but also mentally adept, morally upright, socially responsible, and economically empowered.


While many young individuals possess the eagerness to con­tribute to society, having just one of these capacities is not enough to make a significant impact on the nation’s development. It is the responsibility of relevant authorities and educational institutions to provide comprehensive train­ing and guidance to help youth develop these often unnoticed capacities.


Simultaneously, youth must actively engage in train­ing under qualified teachers and trainers within condu­cive learning environments. Self-study and dedication to acquiring knowledge based on rationality are also crucial as­pects of their personal growth.


Throughout their educational journey, they should persevere in the face of challenges and fatigue, utilizing their physical and mental faculties to acquire the skills and knowledge neces­sary for self-sufficiency.


Proper guidance and training from educators and mentors play a pivotal role in shaping youth into knowledge­able and responsible individ­uals. This education equips them with the tools needed to fulfil their duties to the state and their families effectively, resulting in the overall im­provement of society.


Presently, Myanmar’s population data reveals a shortage of educated and well-informed youth, with the school education sector experiencing a decline. Recognizing that education is fundamental to improving the lives of youth, the government is actively working to revitalize the education sector. Initiatives such as expanding learning opportuni­ties for school-age children and implementing the KG+9 education scheme aim to equip youth with the five essential capacities they need to thrive.


By investing in the education and holistic development of the younger generation, we are not only securing their future but also ensuring a brighter and more prosperous future for our society as a whole. It is the collective responsibility of government, educators, and families to empower our youth with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in their roles as the builders of our nation’s future.