DECLINE in early-monsoon potato production leads the price getting high, according to an official from Naungta­yar potato association of Shan State.


Due to challenges and damages, the plantation acres decreased, making the produc­tion of early-monsoon potato, grown in April and May, de­clined, he said.


"Potato is produced until now. But the yield is not large like before. Potatoes grown in April and May are now har­vested. Due to the weather and more possibility of getting infected in monsoon, the plan­tation acres got shrunk. The price is getting high a little because the supply is low and there is market demand at the same time. Normally, potato is rare during this season and will continue until July or Sep­tember. The supply is the larg­est from February to June. It will return to normal in around November and December," he said.


Demand has fallen slight­ly now compared to the period from May to July and the supply is inadequate just because of low production, he said.


"Consumption, produc­tion and demand are normal in Myanmar. The demand is still low compared to previous three months. Despite low de­mand, the crop is rare but that is because of low production," he said.


The price will stay high in August and September and like­ly to return to normal in Novem­ber and December when potato will be harvested again, he said.


The potato price declined in last April and May when the supply was plentiful, however gradually increased back since June and reached high in this month. — MT/ZS