Efficiently utilize long school summer holidays

As the academic year draws to a close, basic education schools are gearing up for examinations across various levels. Primary, middle, and high school students have demonstrated their learning prowess and absorbed the knowledge imparted by their teachers through these assessments.


The academic cycle typically commences in June and con­cludes in February or March after the rigorous examination period. Throughout the academic journey, students grapple with the chal­lenges posed by various subjects, overcoming hurdles during their schooling days. Despite the hardships, when the examination time arrives, students can temporarily set aside their fatigue, focusing solely on the evaluation process.


Post-examinations, students find themselves at a juncture where daily life concerns temporarily recede. Instead, their atten­tion shifts to planning for future academic years. As they sit for ex­aminations, they concurrently strategize for the next grade, requiring active involvement from both parents and teach­ers to ensure a smooth tran­sition without losing sight of their educational goals.


The ensuing long sum­mer holidays present an opportunity for Myanmar’s children to engage in a vari­ety of activities. These may include religious ceremonies like novitiation and nunnery ceremonies, as well as other societal events. Some children diligently follow their parents’ plans, initiating early learn­ing for the upcoming grade, while others embark on fami­ly-organized trips. Regardless of the chosen path, children must be proactive in effec­tively utilizing their summer break.


The break offers a win­dow to participate in summer sports training, language courses, technological work­shops, traditional ceremonies, vocational courses, and fami­ly trips as well as supporting family businesses. In this non-academic period, children can broaden their perspectives, discerning between right and wrong in the world around them. Every event and activity should con­tribute positively to their lives, allowing them to momentarily set aside life’s pressures and avoid succumbing to depression. Such experiences enhance both their physical and mental well-being, fostering maturity in line with their age.


Given the fatigue accumulated during the academic year, the summer holidays provide a crucial opportunity for students to rejuvenate both physically and mentally. This rejuvenation ensures they enter the new academic year, typically commencing in early June, with a fresh mindset. A renewed vigour and mental clarity enable students to approach school lessons and knowledge with greater enthusiasm, thereby enhancing their qualifications for the challenges that lie ahead. As summer comes to an end, students must be mindful that a new academic year eagerly awaits their return.