THE Department of Fisheries and the Myanmar Fisheries Federation (MFF) plan to ex­port Myanmar’s freshwater fish to Saudi Arabia, said U Nyunt Win, director of the Depart­ment of Fisheries.


“The department and the federation have been working together to ship freshwater fish like rohu, Catla (carp) produced from fish farms to the markets of Saudi Arabia through legit­imate trade,” he elaborated.


The department has been striving for sustainable fish­ery export and meeting the demand and requirements of the purchasing countries de­pending on the condition of the fishery market, along with the exporters in the supply chain. Myanmar makes efforts to meet import criteria of the strict customs rules of foreign customers like China. Myan­mar exports seafood to Japan, Middle East countries, Europe­an Union members, Malaysia, Chinese Taipei and Australia. The department has been join­ing hands with MFF to bolster fishery exports. — ASH/KK