Foster peace and stability through respect for human rights

In Myanmar, the constitutional framework, specifically Sec­tions 347, 348, and 349, stands as a bulwark safeguarding the fundamental rights of its citizens. This constitutional commitment ensures that all Myanmar citizens not only possess the right to enjoy fundamental freedoms but are also bound by the responsibility not to infringe upon the rights of others, irre­spective of the circumstances.


Furthermore, Myanmar citizens are privileged to partake in the provisions articulated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), a landmark document declared by the United Nations on 10 December 1948. This declaration serves as a global standard for the rights of individuals, founded on principles of freedom, justice, peace, and human dignity.

The significance of 10 December is underscored as In­ternational Human Rights Day, marking its 75th Anniversary of Diamond Jubilee in 2023. This milestone is celebrated under the theme “Freedom, Equality, and Justice for All,” emphasizing the enduring im­portance of these principles in shaping a harmonious society.


Human rights, as artic­ulated in the UDHR, have garnered increased recog­nition and protection world­wide. The declaration has evolved into the bedrock of a comprehensive human rights protection system, extending its reach to vulnerable groups such as persons with disabil­ities, indigenous peoples, and migrants.


Nevertheless, the core values of dignity and equality enshrined in the UDHR have faced persistent challenges in recent times. In the face of global predicaments like pan­demics, conflicts, escalating inequalities, a morally ques­tionable financial system, racism, and climate change, the principles and rights ar­ticulated in the UDHR serve as guiding principles for collective actions prioritizing inclusivity.


Myanmar, having joined the United Nations in 1948 upon gaining independence, actively supported the adoption of the UDHR. The country has incorporated the fundamental rights articulated in the UDHR into its Constitution of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar (2008). The UDHR, revered as the most translated document globally, plays a pivotal role in Myanmar’s foreign policy, constitutional drafting, international treaty adher­ence, and diplomatic relations.


To truly savour the fruits of human rights, individuals must not only cherish their own aspirations but also consider the similar desires of others. A compassionate society, built on understand­ing and respect for the interests of all, becomes a catalyst for peace and stability. By avoiding actions that harm or infringe upon others, individuals contribute to creating a society where the essence of compassion prevails, ensuring that everyone can unequivocally enjoy the benefits of human rights.