Funds of Emerald Green Project handed over in Wuntho Tsp.

Wuntho, 19 May


A ceremony to hand over fund of Emerald Green Project was held in Taungon and Pinnegon Villages in Wuntho Township, Katha District, Sagaing Region yesterday. The disbursement of loan is the fifth of its kind in the two villages.


At the event, the region Hluttaw Representative Daw Khine Khine Win and staff officer of the township Department of Rural Development U Myat Myo Tun gave speeches and shared knowledge about the danger of the COVID-19.


Afterwards, an official from the township DRD handed over K 41.6 million to members of village emerald green projects committee in Taungon and Pinne Villages in Wuntho Township.


Altogether 91 people - 19 people in agriculture business, 56 in livestock breeding business, 12 in trading business and one who will attend vocational school received loans.—Kyaw Myaing, IPRD


Translated by JT