Grasp the chance to generate electricity through wind power

Energy security is crucial for the improvement of the socioeconomic life of all citizens in Myanmar as energy is an important driving force to operate all sectors of Myanmar including manufacturing industries as well as electrify the whole nation.


But, energy sources such as bio-fuel, coal, crude oil and nat­ural gas are limited in most global countries except renewable energy. So, the majority of global countries are trying to utilize renewable energy such as hydropower, solar power, wind power and nuclear energy.


Myanmar is seeking ways and means to fulfil the requirement of electricity for the people.


In so doing, electrification projects are being implemented one after another across the nation using various sources such as hydropower, solar power, wind power and nuclear power. It is because an efficient supply of electricity will help improve the living standard of the peo­ple as well as increase the pro­ductivity of all industries.


Recently, the Department of Electric Power Planning under the Ministry of Elec­tric Power signed a Memo­randum of Agreement-MOA with Yunnan Machinery and Equipment Import and Export Co Ltd (YMEC) and Primus Advanced Technologies Lim­ited (PRIMUS) to generate electricity through wind pow­er in An, Gwa and Thandwe townships of Rakhine State.


These will be the first step of Myanmar-China coop­eration in the electric power sector to generate electricity through wind power with the assistance of China to success­fully implement the national electrification plan-NEC by 2030.


Concerning the implementation of the projects, An wind power project is scheduled to generate 150 megawatts, the Gwa wind pow­er project, 100 megawatts and the Thandwe wind power project, 110 megawatts to be able to feed it into the national grid to electrify the whole nation. In this regard, these projects must be implemented in line with the existing law, bylaws and procedures issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation so that environmental and social impacts can be avoided.


According to the schedules, it is necessary to strive for gen­erating electricity from three all projects by 2025. Hence, the construction of necessary infrastructures must be undertaken in time. Among them, the Gwa wind power project is expected to generate 50 megawatts of electricity for the first phase in the coming December.


The success of implementing the wind power project will open a new page of the electrification history of the nation. If so, the electricity of wind power renewable energy will help improve the socioeconomic life of the people and the development of the nation.