Honour great and noble blood donors


June 14,2022


THE 14th of June of this year is designated as World Blood Donor Day. Every country holds a ceremony to mark the blood donor day in their honour. As they are great at fostering the great spirit.


Everybody loves their life in comparison with others. It is because humans don’t dare to die without reasons of their own accord. After all, they love their life to be longevity. Despite the lack of daring to die for reasonless, most of them are keen to donate blood for saving the life of others in emergency cases.


Persons with a philanthropic spirit are keen to happily donate their blood to the patients who need blood urgently. If they know their blood is useful to save the life of others, it will be a good result which cannot be composed and exchanged in letters. They cannot exchange their happiness with any others in enjoying the fruits of do­nating blood.


On World Blood Donor Day 2022 WHO is calling on people all around the globe to give blood in a gesture of solidarity. The global theme of World Blood Donor Day changes each year in recog­nition of the selfless individu­als who donate their blood to people unknown to them. It is because safe blood and blood products and their transfu­sion are critical aspects of care and public health.


Safe blood is essential for helping people of all ages who suffer from diseases, disas­ters and accidents. Patients and companions are facing difficulties how to overcome the need for blood in medical treatment. Just then, when they see blood donors un­expectedly, they would feel they will be free from barriers and their heartbeat will calm down. How satisfactory it is!


Since the time when the physicians understood the techniques of how to trans­fuse the blood of one to anoth­er, human has been saving an uncountable number of lives for one by efficiently using the donated blood. The Lord Buddha preached that dona­tion of blood can be identified as Dana Upa Parami which means a donation of blood, limbs and parts of organs to others. It is a great donation to society.


If so, the blood donors are great persons upholding their noble minds. Such a mind leads them to happily donate blood. Those great and noble blood donors are building the society with compassion, empathy, sympathy, consideration and love-kindness to be peaceful and prosperous for all.