Myittha, 3 December
School-based vaccination campaign to prevent students from diphtheria, tetanus and cervical cancer was conducted at Myoma Basic Education High School in the town of Myittha, Mandalay Region this morning.
During the campaign, healthcare workers led by Daw Khin Mya Win from the Township Maternal and Child Welfare Association administered the diphtheria, tetanus and cervical cancer vaccines to the students aged 9 to 12 in line with health guidelines set by Ministry of Health.
Under this vaccination program, a total of 70 students received diphtheria and tetanus vaccines while 41 students received the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine.
Medical workers from Maternal and Child Welfare Association, teachers from Myoma B.E.H.S. and students attended the event.—War War Myint (Myittha)
Translated by JT