Illegal timber logs seized in Kyaukgyi

Kyaukgyi, 13 May


Forest officials seized illegal timber logs from stationary truck near the Mone-Okephyat Bridge in Thanlyetswan village-track in Kyaukgyi Township, Toungoo District, Bago Region on Sunday afternoon, according to a source from the Forest Department.


Forest personnel from the Forest Department and policemen together with witnesses searched for a six-wheeled truck driven by U Ki Soe Kuma. They found the truck driver’s colleague named U Hla and confiscated 14 illegal hardwood logs weighing around 1.6496 tons in the truck.


The truck driver and his partner were charged under the Forest Law. The seized timber logs were handed over to the Forest Department.—Ko Tha Kyi Kyaukgyi)


Translated by JT