New Secretary-General of the ASEAN-Korea Centre (AKC) Ambassador Kim Jae-shin and Myanmar Ambassador U Thant Sin, serving as the chairman of the Initiative for ASEAN Integration (IAI), met at the Myanmar Embassy in Seoul on 22 April to discuss increasing cooperation between the two organizations, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


During the meeting, Am­bassador Kim Jae-shin men­tioned the significant mile­stones of the year: the 35th anniversary of the ASEAN-Ko­rea dialogue and the 15th anni­versary of the establishment of the ASEAN-Korea Centre, emphasizing his commitment to collaborate with all ASEAN member countries closely.


U Thant Sin discussed matters pertaining to Kore­an support for the successful implementation of the prior­ity programmes outlined in IAI Work Plan IV, as well as increasing close cooperation in AKC activities.


Ambassador Kim Jae-shin, the sixth Secretary-General of AKC, assumed office on 16 April for the term of 2024–2026. — ASH/TH