All citizens of Myanmar are entitled to an education under the Constitution. Consequently, it is crucial for parents to ensure their school-age children enrol in school on time to exercise this constitutional right. This will increase the number of educated citizens, contributing to the nation’s development.
According to Section 366 of the Constitution of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, every citizen has the right to education in line with the Union’s educational policy. The Union mandates basic education as compulsory by law. For the 2024-25 academic year, the school enrollment week is scheduled from 23 May to 2 June 2024, with the motto: “Let’s enrol all school-age children for learning basic education.” By ensuring children receive compulsory education under the KG+9 scheme adopted by the Ministry of Education, the nation can produce well-educated citizens.
Myanmar currently needs a significant number of intellectuals and experts to drive modernization. Therefore, the education sector is being developed through both short-term and long-term plans, aiming to produce qualified human resources. Despite these efforts, various challenges and obstacles still hinder the education of many youths.
The 2019 interim census revealed that 8.1 per cent of the 46.46 million citizens over five years old had never attended school. Additionally, over 900,000 of the 25.16 million people above 25 years old lack any school education. The data also shows that 12.83 million out of 25.16 million people have only primary or pre-primary education, while 5.46 million population have completed middle school education, and more than three million people have high school education. Many students drop out of school due to diverse reasons and circumstances.
To address these issues, the government and educational institutions are providing support to enable students to attend school free of charge. The Ministry of Education has listed free educational accessories for students from kindergarten to Grade 12. Given that parents do not need to incur any expenses for their children’s enrollment, it is essential to enrol them without hesitation. Local authorities, parents, teachers, and students must collaborate to ensure enrollment during the school enrolment week from 23 May to 2 June this year.
Children are like wax, moldable by parents and teachers into exemplary citizens. Myanmar society values the emergence of well-educated citizens who, through their education and general knowledge, can contribute to nation-building efforts. Those well-educated citizens will be a reliable force for the State to generate educated citizens further.