Loans disbursed for emerald green project in Momeik Twsp.

Momeik, 16 December

With the aim of boosting the income of local people and their socio-economic status, loans for emerald green project were dispensed to members of village emerald green project committee in Thayetdaw Village in Momeik Township, northern Shan State on 15 December.

Firstly, an official from the township Department of Rural Development clarified the purpose of the project and explained rules and procedures of the project to be abode by rural people.

Afterwards, staff from the township DRD handed over K 55.5 million to 98 members of village emerald green project committees in Thayetdaw Village in the township. The disbursement of loans is the fifth of its kind in the village.

Staff from the township DRD disbursed loan of project to farmers in accordance with the guidance of Ministry of Health and Sports amid the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic.

U Soe Moe Kyaw
Translated by JT