The Ministry of Cooperatives and Ru­ral Development plans to implement five types of small businesses in eight townships in the Yangon Region during the 2024-2025 financial year, according to U Thet Naing Oo, a director at the Yangon Region’s Small Scale Industries Department under the ministry.


Small businesses such as sewing, motorcycle repair, bakery, restaurant, and home electric appliance repair and maintenance will be supported by providing technology and equipment, as well as necessary arrangements, to individuals until they are able to operate the businesses independently. The project will include the townships of Dagon Myothit (South), Thanlyin, Twantay, Hmawby, Hlegu, Taikkyi, North Okkalapa, and Htantabin in the Yangon Region.


“Yangon Region will see the imple­mentation of 16 small manufacturing projects during this financial year. Sew­ing and baking industries will be intro­duced in Dagon Myothit (South), Than­lyin, Twantay and Hmawby townships. Similarly, motorcycle repair businesses will be established in Hlegu, Taikkyi, and Hmawby townships. In addition, restaurants and tailoring businesses will be introduced in North Okkalapa, Hmawby, and Htantabin townships. Home electric appliance repair and maintenance services will be imple­mented in Dala, Hmawby, and Thanlyin townships,” said U Thet Naing Oo.


The small businesses being intro­duced in the Yangon Region include projects aimed at increasing the income of women, creating jobs for young peo­ple, supporting micro and small busi­nesses, implementing ‘one region-one product’ initiatives, and establishing model villages to further increase in­come. — ASH/TH