The Ministry of Information’s Minister’s Office celebrated its ninth anniversary at its assem­bly hall yesterday, attended by Union Minister for Information U Maung Maung Ohn, along with Deputy Ministers U Ye Tint and Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun and other relevant officials.


The event kicked off with the screening of a documenta­ry titled “Strong Cooperation, Minister’s Office’s Capability”.


During his address, the Union Minister highlighted the ministry’s primary duty of dis­seminating information, as well as its role in developing the mo­tion picture, music, and literary sectors. He stressed the impor­tance of thorough verification processes to combat fake news effectively.


Furthermore, he discussed the People’s Military Service Law and encouraged attendees to share knowledge to address concerns arising from misinfor­mation.


Deputy Minister U Ye Tint expressed gratitude for the hard work of the employees. At the same time, Deputy Minister Maj- Gen Zaw Min Tun emphasized the minister’s office’s role in co­ordinating various ministry tasks and acknowledged the efforts of the staff.


Following the speeches, the Union minister and deputy ministers honoured outstanding employees from different depart­ments with awards. A lucky draw was also held, offering cash priz­es, followed by a photo session.


The Minister’s Office over­sees the management of My­anma Radio and Television, Information and Public Rela­tions Department, Printing and Publishing Department, Media Development Department, and News and Periodicals Enter­prise. — MNA/NT