U Nay Win, Secretary of the Myanmar Theatrical Associ­ation (Central), announced that the association plans to organize a ceremony in Octo­ber in Yangon to pay tribute to approximately 1,300 elder­ly theatrical artistes from all over Myanmar.


The 3rd respect-paying ceremony for aged theatrical performers is scheduled to be held at the National Theatre (Yangon) on Myoma Kyaung Street in Dagon Township, Yangon Region, on 7 October. Currently, there are approxi­mately 1,300 artistes aged 75 and above who have played various roles in theatre.


Many of these aged the­atricians come from various fields of dramatic arts, in­cluding Anyeint, Myanma traditional orchestra, dra­ma, Ramayana, marionette, circus, and magic shows.


The Myanmar Theat­rical Association (Central) is making efforts to provide permanent support to veter­an artistes, host an annual respect-paying ceremony for senior theatrical performers nationwide, and preserve and promote various forms of dramatic arts. — ASH/CT