A Myanmar-American co-pro­duced film titled Metta (Unbro­ken Ties), which has won 11 international awards, is set to be screened in cinemas in the second week of December, ac­cording to co-director Dr Grace Swe Zin Htaik.


The film is based on a novel by Mary Khin Ohn Kyway, with the screenplay written by Nway Nway Sein Myint and Mie Mie Lwin. Produced by Mandalay Film Production, it was directed by Graham Streeter, with Dr Grace Swe Zin Htaik serving as co-director.


“We began planning the film in 2014, but progress was delayed due to visa issues pre­venting some Myanmar actors and filmmakers from travelling to the United States. Howev­er, in 2018, actor Academy Lu Min and actress Academy Htun Eaindra Bo obtained O-1 Ex­traordinary Ability Visas, allow­ing us to film in the US in 2019. Hollywood director Graham Streeter directed the scenes shot in America, while I direct­ed those filmed in Myanmar,” explained Dr Grace Swe Zin Htaik.


She added, “The film re­ceived its censorship certificate following the COVID-19 period. While awaiting its 2024 theatri­cal release, it has been featured in numerous international film festivals, earning 11 awards as of October. This is the first My­anmar-American collaboration to gain such international ac­claim. All profits from the film will be donated to orphanages.”


The cast includes Gin Mung, Academy Htun Eain­dra Bo, and Academy Lu Min, alongside Chrissy Aung, May T Maung, Brittney Powell, Fiona O’Neil, Tyler Dryden, and other supporting actors and actress­es. — ASH/TRKM