STUDENTS from the National University of Culture and Arts (Yangon) who demonstrated academic excellence but re­quired financial assistance were awarded stipends by the Myanmar Cultural Heritage Trust (MCHT), according to reports.


For the 2024–2025 aca­demic year, a stipend award­ing ceremony was held for two sculpture students in need of financial support. The event took place in the university’s meeting hall. Daw Sanda Khin, Chairperson of MCHT, presented stipends to Nang Aye Mya Mon, a fourth-year sculpture student from the National University of Cul­ture and Arts (Yangon), and Maung Aung Myint Myat, a third-year sculpture student from the State High School of Fine Arts (Yangon). The sti­pends covered tuition fees for the first semester of the 2024- 2025 academic year.


During the ceremony, the stipend recipients expressed their gratitude and presented their sculptures as tokens of appreciation to Daw Sanda Khin.


The ceremony featured speeches by Daw Sanda Khin, Chairperson of MCHT, and Dr Kaythi Htwe, Rector of the Na­tional University of Culture and Arts (Yangon). Attendees in­cluded members of MCHT, the university’s Pro-Rector (Aca­demic), professors, heads of departments, and officials from the Training and Research Di­vision (Yangon). — ASH/MKKS