Myanmar delegation attends 2023 Global Public Security Cooperation Forum

A Myanmar delegation head­ed by Union Minister for Im­migration and Population U Myint Kyaing participated in the opening ceremony of the 2023 Global Public Security Cooperation Forum held in Li­anyungang, Jiangsu Province, China on 20 September. Over 50 countries were represented by their Security Ministers, deputy ministers, and officials at the ceremony.


During the opening cere­mony, Mr Wang Xiaohong, State Councillor of the People's Re­public of China and Minister of Public Security, delivered the inaugural address. Security Ministers, deputy ministers, and delegates from the partic­ipating nations also addressed the gathering.


Following the ceremony, Union Minister U Myint Kyaing had a discussion with Mr Wang Xiaohong, State Councillor and Minister of Public Security of the People's Republic of China.


During the meeting, the discussions between China and Myanmar covered such various key areas as the long-standing friendly relationship between the two countries, ensuring security, stability and peace within their shared borders, collaborative efforts to en­hance relations between their citizens, preventing illegal bor­der crossings, combatting drug trafficking, human trafficking, and online gambling associ­ated with gaming, success­ful cross-border cooperation among China, Myanmar, Thai­land, and Laos in addressing crimes, human trafficking, drug trafficking, and money swin­dling, China's commitment to assist with the repatriation of displaced persons from Rakh­ine State, adding border posts between the two nations and increasing cooperation in immi­gration operations, mutual en­try and exit arrangements for citizens holding passports from the Muse-Ruili entry point, and enhancing cooperation in matters related to border area stability and peace, as well as immigration-related activities.


The meeting also under­scored the importance of col­laboration between China and Myanmar in addressing vari­ous security and border-related challenges while maintaining their close diplomatic ties. — MNA/TS