
Myanmar prepping for cattle shipment to Bangladesh

28 December 2021

MYANMAR has been planning to ship cattle to Bangladesh, said U Soe Naing, chair of the Mandalay Region Cattle Exporters Association. Bangladesh buyers contacted the association. They are currently observing trade routes. After that, the association will report this to the related department, he continued.
“We will keep the authorities posted on how trade will be conducted. Maungtaw border is available for trading at present. We are exploring trade routes,” U Soe Naing mentioned. 

The live cattle can be shipped to Bangladesh through Maungtaw and Sittway through maritime trade.

 Myanmar’s live cattle trade is mainly relying on China. The legitimate market has halted since late 2020. Nevertheless, Chinese traders are constantly purchasing cattle on the black market across the border between Myanmar and China, despite the suspension of cross-border trade. At present, the black market has been stronger, with 1,000 head of cattle daily sent to China, the association stated. 

Live cattle export was allowed in late 2017, to eradicate illegal exports, creating more opportunities for breeders and promoting their interests. 

The Ministry of Commerce grants a permit to each company for 100 cattle export and the permit is valid for three months. 

The companies can be taken legal action if they do not sell the cattle within three months. The country exports cattle that are above five years old, along with vaccination certificates, health certificates, and farming registration certificates. According to the 2018 cattle census, there are 11.5 million heads of cattle in the country, with 1.8 million buffalo and 9.7 million cows and bulls. The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation will also strive for investments in dairy farming and value- added production businesses. 

Of them, 1.1 million cattle are old enough to be placed in the market every year. Myanmar can yearly export over 600,000 heads of cattle beyond domestic consumption of 400,000 head, according to the ministry. — NN/ GNLM