National committee on resettlement and camp closure holds coordination meeting 1/2024

The Ministry of Border Affairs held the coordination meeting 1/2024 of the National Commit­tee on Resettlement of Inter­nally Displaced Persons and Closure of IDP Camps yester­day in Nay Pyi Taw.


Attendees included Na­tional Committee Chairman Union Border Affairs Minis­ter Lt-Gen Tun Tun Naung, Vice-Chairman Dr Soe Win, Union Minister for Social Wel­fare, Relief, and Resettlement, deputy ministers, permanent secretaries, directors-general, and officials. Relevant regional and state ministers also joined via Zoom.


The chairman highlight­ed the committee’s progress in resettling IDPs and closing temporary camps, urging de­tailed discussion on completed work and future programmes. He emphasized the need for coordinated efforts with state governments and ministries, financial support for displaced persons, and overcoming chal­lenges posed by terrorist dis­ruptions.


International negotiations are underway for humanitari­an assistance, ensuring that aid reaches only eligible re­cipients. Within five months, 4,788 households (18,468 peo­ple) were resettled, and 69 tem­porary shelters were closed, with K4,790.588 million in aid provided.


Vice-Chairman Dr Soe Win reported on relief efforts, vocational courses, and sup­port for returnees. Regional and state ministers presented their sector-wise progress and plans. The meeting concluded with discussions and coordina­tion by the national committee members. — MNA/TS