THE passing-out parade of the 84th Intake of Tatmadaw (Navy) Junior Officer (Management) Course and the 58th Intake of the Tatmadaw (Navy) Junior Officer (Engineering) Course was held at the Naval Training Command Headquarters in Thanlyin Sta­tion yesterday morning.


On behalf of the State Ad­ministration Council Chairman Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Admiral Htein Win deliv­ered a speech on the occasion.


First, the Command­er-in-Chief (Navy) took the sa­lute of the graduate company and companies of honour and inspected these companies. Not only companies in the parade ground but also naval vessels from the Yangon River also sa­luted the Admiral.

The Admiral presented the Best Trainee Award to Navy 5748 Sd-Lt Hein Min Thant and the Excellent Award in Maritime Studies to Navy 5745 Sd-Lt Hein Htet Aung of the 84th Intake of Tatmadaw (Navy) Junior Officer (Management) Course and the Best Trainee Award to Navy 5769 Sd-Lt Sai Min Thant and the Excellent Award in Marine Engineering Studies to Navy 5770 Sd-Lt Phone Myint Kyaw of the 58th Intake of Tatmadaw (Navy) Junior Officer (Engineer­ing) Course.


On behalf of the SAC Chair­man Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services, Command­er-in-Chief (Navy) Admiral Htein Win delivered a speech. He said that maritime transport, mari­time engineering, naval weap­onry and naval logistics subjects were given to officer trainees but they have to continue further studies as a lifelong learning activity.

He continued that in accord with the guidance of SAC Chair­man Commander-in-Chief of De­fence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing, those officer trainees have to enhance their capacity as good leaders who can be relied on by the organization.


He underscored that those officers have to emphasize learn­ing the advancement of technol­ogies and knowledge. They have to accumulate knowledge about the political affairs of Myanmar and the world in addition to con­stantly observing technological processes, work procedures, policies and directives without losing sight, he noted.


Also present at the parade were Chief of Armed Forces Training Lt-Gen Htein Win of the Office of the Command­er-in-Chief (Army), Chief of Staff (Navy) Vice-Admiral Aye Min Htwe, Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Zaw Hein, senior naval officers, and senior Tatmadaw officers from Yangon and Thanlyin stations.


The Admiral left the parade ground after taking the salute of the graduate company and other companies of honour. The Admiral met with outstanding graduate officers and their par­ents at Annawathiri Avenue and spoke words of honour.


In the evening, Command­er-in-Chief (Navy) Admiral Htein Win and his wife, Chief of Armed Forces Training Lt-Gen Htein Win of the Office of the Com­mander-in-Chief (Army) and his wife, Chief of Staff (Navy) Vice-Admiral Aye Min Htwe and his wife, Commander of Yangon Command Maj-Gen Zaw Hein and his wife, senior naval officers and their wives, distinguished guests, graduate officers and their parents attended the grad­uation dinner.


The entertainment troupe of the Directorate of Public Re­lations and Psychological War­fare of the Office of the Com­mander-in-Chief (Army) and the Navy Band performed songs and dances.


After the dinner, the Admiral cordially greeted the graduate officers and their parents and relatives. — MNA/TTA