Nothing should stop us from fighting discrimination against women in all its forms

Myanmar Women’s Day falls on 3 July and marks the day when the Myanmar National Committee on Women was founded.

The theme for this year’s International Women’s Day – ‘Think equal, build smart, innovate for change’— found an echo in Myanmar Women’s Day celebrations, underlining the need to create an environment which ensures gender equality, social justice, and protection of women.

To build such an environment, we need a management machinery that will enforce laws and rules that ensure social protection of women.
The world has witnessed how powerful an influence women can have on international affairs. This has been made possible due to the strong involvement of women in social communities. Women have the power to shape not only their own children, but countless other young women who are watching and listening to them at work, at home, and in the community.


For a very long time, women were considered inferior to men. However, the role of women in society has changed significantly in recent decades.

Gradually, people have started realizing the importance of women in the world as it is.
Today, the importance of women in society is beyond question. In today’s world, women, with their ambition, intelligence, and strength, have proved that the word “inferior” has nothing to do with gender.


Traditionally, there has been strong empathy towards women in Myanmar, ensuring they receive care, not since they are considered inferior to men, but because they are given priority.

The cultural values placed on women in our country have changed gradually through the eras, with low levels of education and economic development affecting our culture negatively.

The menace of drugs and over consumption of alcohol seen today can be counted as the side effects of advanced technology eroding the real Myanmar culture.

Cases of sexual violence against women, including minors, are a source of worry, and very often, they show how the importance of women in society is being underestimated.

Violence against women and girls has been identified as a serious violation of human rights and we all have a moral obligation to end it. It also has serious economic and social costs.

There is no single explanation for why people are violent, and more specifically, violence towards women and girls.

We all need to make a commitment to end all forms of discrimination and violence against women. Regardless of how difficult that sounds, nothing should stop us from striving for complete success, and that is a worthy target.