Over US$9 bln earned from export of finished industrial goods abroad within nine months

During the nine-month period of the 2022-2023 finan­cial year, US$9.48 billion were earned from the export of fin­ished industrial goods abroad, according to the statistics of the Ministry of Commerce.


From 1 April 2022 to 3 February 2023, the exports of finished industrial goods from the private sector to for­eign countries were valued at more than US$6.09 billion, and from the state-owned sector's exports, more than US$3.38 billion.


Compared to the same period last year, it received US$2.10 billion more, accord­ing to trade statistics.


Agricultural produce, animal products, aquatic products, minerals, forest products, finished industrial goods and other goods from Myanmar are being export­ed and the maximum export income is obtained from the export of finished industrial goods.


Among 10 main export items of Myanmar, the export of finished garments, which is an industrial product, takes the first position. Among the finished industrial goods, sugar, including ready-made cloth, jewellery, and natural gas are included. — TWA/KZL