People’s hopes emerge from strength inspired by Union Day

3 February


Chronicle of Myanmar shows many auspicious days in the country, and that the Union Day is embedded with full of meaning and essence which falls on February 12.


72nd Anniversary of Union Day


Living our lives in our own ways in harmony and unity for many centuries, and now that all the nationalities are longing to reunite and come together again, and therefore looking for a way out in quest of peace.


Fighting against the imperialists and the Fascists, the whole country was exceptionally united for decades, and eventually regained the independence without discrimination with the frontier areas and the flat lands.


Despite the conspiracy of the imperialists, all the nationalities residing on the hilly regions never ever believe the deceitful plans, and that the representatives of the nationals dashed towards Panglong legendary town and signed the agreement creating the Union Day which is on the dot of (72) anniversary.


Leadership Role


Needless to say that it is time to celebrate the Union Day with more meaningful, significant and determined approaches for the unity of the nation. At this juncture, we all must seriously emulate and follow the concept and outlook of Bogyoke Aung San who showed the role model of leadership.


Leadership role based on honesty and sincerity laced with wisdom is very much helpful and supportive to the nationalities, the ethnic armed organizations, and the political parties. On the long journey towards national reconciliation and internal peace, the role of the self-sacrificing leadership is very much essential.


Essence of objective


Entire people are desirous to have the unity with genuine essence in celebrating the Union Day, and living in weal and woe is the outlooks and attitudes.


People wanted the Union agreements through consideration at the earliest, and that the peace process and the socio-economic development should be reflected in equal opportunity.


The successful implementation of the objectives is the way out in solving the predicaments of the nation and it manifests the strength.


Necessary to build the trust


Disunity starts with the loss of trust, and therefore, the trust building is the only solution to acquire peace and band into a genuine Union.


72nd Anniversary of Union Day National Objectives reflect the emergence of Democratic Federal Union; the national reconciliation; and all round development.


1. All ethnic nationals to work with collective strength for non-disintegration of the Union, non-disintegration of national unity, perpetuation of national sovereignty; and to work for preservation and protection of the above.


2. To strive for the emergence of a Constitution that is in alignment and harmony with the Democratic Federal Union.


3. To strive for the success of the Union Peace Conference


– 21st Century Panglong and thence till the success of the internal peace process.


4. All union nationals to cooperate and work in “Unity and


Harmony” that is for rule of law in the nation, and for the people to be secured and free from danger.


5. All union citizens to be able to enjoy good education and adequate health care protection.


Peace and Stability


Only when the whole country is in peace and stability, we could build a prosperous community, and that the current and existing circumstances must be reviewed with seriousness.


As the government, the Hluttaws, the Tatmadaw, the nationalities, and the people are the main pillars of the country, they should exchange their views more and it is the proper time to fulfill the expectations of the people.


An opportunity for internal peace


This is the right time for the government, the people, the Hluttaws, the Tatmadaw, the political parties, the ethnic armed organizations, and the civil societies to exert the utmost efforts for unity and walked on the development road.


People are very much worried and in anxiety over the disunity and internal conflicts, but the ceasefire agreements have offered the chance for internal peace.


Temporary conciliation is the stride for the greater good of eternal peace, and therefore, all stakeholders and organizations must extend more flexibility and moved ahead for comprehensive ceasefire for the sake of building federal democracy union through peace conferences.


Basic ideology of democracy


All the people are desirous to build a healthy human society, and that the miscellany, mixture and medley could be used as diversity of democracy in the nation building. We must keep in mind that the diversity of ideas must never be allowed for antagonism as it might ignite the terror and nightmare. We must avoid racial tension and racial discrimination in the country.


Positive expectation


Over the years, the Union Peace Conference – 21st Century Panglong has resulted with agreements combined in optimistic and affirmative views paving the way for positive expectation that we must embraced in time. The agenda and time frame for peace conferences are the expectation of the people.


Moreover, the special meetings and the official meetings must be supplemented with informal and unofficial meets so that wide ranging issues and subjects could be taken up at these meetings more often which happened to be the expectation of the people.


Power of negotiations


While there are more important issues to be taken up, We must discard pessimistic views and absorb optimistic ideas so that solid milestones of achievements could be achieved. For the pragmatic development, all the stakeholders must participate in the process, and that finger pointing for blames must be avoided.


The advantages and weaknesses of each side should be weighed and diverted into good results. The intended goals and destinations are to be followed with audacity and courage.


Each and every organization must always keep their peace door open with trust and cooperate with each other closely in finding the solutions and overcome the difficulties.


In quest of peace, it is necessary to have the power of negotiation such as that to have patience, to have good benevolence, to have better listening mind-set, and to reduce mistrust, and eventually gaining the status of win-win situation.


In wrapping up the article, the people and all the nationalities are desirous in creating a matured and stable Union through the peace process. People accepted the diverse ideas and varied opinions, but people are afraid of split stories and scared of hatred and tension. They dislike the environment with the dogmatism, racism, grouping, discrimination, prejudice, and one sided thinking.


All these obsession and deep-seated feeling must be discarded so as to build trust and join hands in practicing the democratic norms with the deserving fine characteristics for the better development of the upcoming generation and the greater good of the nation.


Translated by UMT (Ahlon)

By Dr. Myat Moe